In the silence of the evening light, I reflect upon Your glory and might. Holy is Your precious name! Glimmering stars up above, Reveal your unconditional love . . . And here below I know it’s so. Holy is Your
“My Times are in Your Nail-Scarred Hands”
When I begin to wander, You reel me in. When I begin to have doubts, You cast them out. When I find it hard to cope, You renew my strength with hope. When I say, ‘Too hard’, You remind me
The Urgency of My Mission
There is so much life yet to live; Sharing with mankind His plan to freely forgive. So much I am still learning And I have barely begun the journey. Though I am in the latter season, By Him I have
For All Eternity
“As far as the East is from the West – Never the twain shall meet”. (Psalm 103:12) But let us not resign to this as an endless feat. It is but our measure for the state of man, When considering
Aimless Wanderings

Your Spirit beckons me . . . Amidst this crowded endless sea; People flocking to find release. When in their reach is Your perfect peace. Substituting superficial existence in its place; Why not Your amazing abundant grace? All this noisy
My Jabez Story
Earlier this year, my pastor, John Lindell, spoke on the “Prayer of Jabez”. During the years when my three younger children were in their teens, I was first exposed to this prayer in I Chronicles 4:10 which reads: “Oh, that
“A Tweet Story”
Not long ago, I purchased a couple bird houses from a friend at church who makes them as a hobby. I brought them home, and after awhile prepared them for hanging. First, I lightly sanded down the rough areas and
Welcome To My Garden!
Journey with me into a deeper spiritual experience with our Lord and Savior – Jesus Christ. It is a place where you will find inspiration, hope, and encouragement in your daily walk.