Your Spirit beckons me . . .
Amidst this crowded endless sea;
People flocking to find release.
When in their reach is Your perfect peace.
Substituting superficial existence in its place;
Why not Your amazing abundant grace?
All this noisy clatter and frantic race,
Always searching for satisfaction and material gain;
It seems to be man’s determined aim.
Climbing that financial ladder,
Appears to be what matters.

This futile search leads to ‘nowhere else to go’.
Your Holy Word confirms this to be so:

“Then I looked on all that my hands had done and the
labor I had spent in doing it, and behold, all was
vanity and searching for wind and feeding on it, and
there was no profit under the sun.” Ecclesiastes 2:11 Ampl.

Our Father’s watchful eye from above
Tells us of His tender love. (John 3:16)
His attention is on our aimless wanderings below;
Patiently waiting for us to turn to Him and spiritually grow.
Ready and willing is he – to blot out every spot and stain.
When will we ever choose ‘in Him to remain’?
Inspired from Trip to Chicago May 2016

Aimless Wanderings

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