Dear Holy One of God,

You are the delight of my soul.  (Psalm 37:4)

How amazing and radiant are You before all Heaven and Earth.

You are far above the very stars of this universe;

You surround every being ever created with Your never-ending love.


Far beyond reach are Your tender mercies and kindness.

Your compassion fails not.

Everlasting are Your precious promises.

How reassuring is Your faithfulness.

You indeed are the light of my soul.

My name is written on the palm of Your hand.

You far surpass everything known to man.

I will receive a new name when to heaven I go.

Blessed be Your holy name . . . how little do I know.


When I am sad, You collect my tears in a bottle;

How very tender and thoughtful.

You have given me breath of life;

My heart beats to the cords of a new song.

It’s to You that I belong . . . forevermore.

No other has satisfied my longings like You.

I appreciate the peace that only You can give.

I will bless the name of the Lord Jesus;

For it’s in Him that I live!


A Letter to Jesus

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