Sitting by the window in my easy chair one day, I contemplated the value of my senior years since retiring now some 10 years ago. Interestingly enough, by man’s standards, it seemed my life had little value as I sat whiling away the hours, days, months, and years.

So much time now spent conversing to myself about the beautiful flowers in my garden, or commenting on the forecast of the weather to my spouse. No earth-shattering revelations or news about life-changing events, just complaints about my latest aches and pains.

I say to myself, who cares about these simple trivial concerns and preoccupations of mine. Life just seems to be casting me by the wayside; no one has interest in what I have to say or think anyway.

The simple little, what seem insignificant, things in life are what make my day. To find joy in hearing a sweet bird’s call in the early morn or smelling a fragrant delicate flower in bloom – these help me get back to the basic simple things of a knowledge and awareness of Creator God. It seems man has polluted society and its existence with futile and superficial strife.

Let us get back to the basics and realize the importance of taking time to ‘smell the roses’ and to listen to that clear small voice whispering in our ears: “Behold, I AM that I AM” – Be still and know that I AM God.

It’s interesting how life, when it begins, is simple, and at the end thereof, it turns around to such simplicity once again.

Simple Times

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